Other Media

This page shows a collection of other media and appearances, including virtual conferences, podcasts, interviews, and the like.

The section is “Other Media” so use that as your guide for what to expect.

Data Analytics Summit 2021:

The Meaning Within the Model: Using Storytelling to Connect Data to Purpose & People

Description: Organizations leaning into the data analytics space realize a challenge almost immediately: they can have all of the data in the world, with great models and analysis, but the results don’t persuade anyone. Why? Without a lot of work, those who are close to the analysis default to a mode that throws data at people in the belief that the numbers and charts carry the decision – and the more, the better! This results-by-volume approach is fine for those who are already steeped in the information, but the inside understanding doesn’t transfer to your outside audience of stakeholders and decision-makers. These key groups need to know more than just what the data says; they need to comprehend what it all means to them, individually, in their context and place in the world. This session focuses on how to bridge the gap between the clean, cold data and the messy, narrative-oriented people who make decisions. We’ll cover the basics of how to frame information to the view of the audience, tailoring our language and emphasis to their needs, and giving them both the capability and permission to make the decisions they need to make from where they are.

Value to Attendees: By discussing the needs of potential audiences and how to meet them where they are, attendees will learn how to shape stories around the data to help decision-makers truly understand the information and its relevance. You won’t gain the skills of Mark Twain, but you will be a tiny bit closer.

Project Management Innovation Conference 2021:

Navigating the Methodology Landscape

Selecting a project methodology, like selecting a project leader, is not a one-size-fits-all proposition. Each combination of organization, objectives, and opportunities demands different decisions concerning how the effort is marshaled, managed, and monitored. This interactive session aims to deconflict the antagonistic views and marketing hype of the hardcore Waterfall and Agile advocates, to uncover a landscape full of contextually-dependent tools and techniques to manage projects successfully. We will discuss a different way to consider our available methodologies to escape from the made-for-marketing divisions that push well-intentioned practitioners and organizations to commit to a single project management methodology at all times and in all places.

OneHR Conference 2021:

Engaging Employees in Large Organizations

Presentation Results

Engaged employees are highly correlated to individual and organizational performance, but only about 1/3 of the American workforce is “engaged.” Two major factors contribute to problems building engagement in the workforce, especially in larger, more bureaucratic organizations. The first is a reliance on surveys or tools to measure engagement without leaders at all levels truly understanding what engagement means. Second is a reliance on tribal wisdom and counterproductive shortcuts that work against engagement when we already have perfectly useful processes. Let’s talk about what engagement is in a practical, non-academic way, so we all understand what it means to be engaged in our work.

Then, we’ll change lanes to consider the tools we have to promote engagement and harvest the benefits of an engaged workforce. Finally, we’ll look at some key lessons from 2020 to shape our view on what is possible in large and complex organizations. This isn’t a lecture. If you bring your questions, you’ll leave with a path toward an engaged workforce.

Value to Attendees: Attendees will understand what engagement means to the people they hope to engage. They will also know the fundamentals of advising organizations regarding ways to improve engagement without using a survey. Most importantly, they will have the context to make an engaged workforce the focus of their people-facing processes.

The Jason Damico Show #26

March 15, 2020 - I had the opportunity to meet a great artist and solid communicator during the Millennium Music Conference just after I moved to Harrisburg, PA. Jason and I have a short conversation about teaching, communication, and learning how to help others understand the world a little better.


What Is The Best Project Management Certification?

Part of a short video project for Harrisburg University’s YouTube channel to promote the Masters in Project Management program and Professional Education opportunities.

What Can I Do With the PMP Certification?

Part of a short video project for Harrisburg University’s YouTube channel to promote the Masters in Project Management program and Professional Education opportunities.


How to Become Certified in Project Management

Part of a short video project for Harrisburg University’s YouTube channel to promote the Masters in Project Management program and Professional Education opportunities.